About The Facilitator

 Annie-hannah Elizabeth Mancini, mfa, Facilitator 
Woodstock, ny

Thank you for your interest in the Open Space Gallery & Events Project. I am please to continue the work of facilitating diverse, multi-generational and inclusive art-related events and education in the Hudson Valley.

Since 1986, I traveled back and forth from Central Pa. to West Park, NY  for regular retreat time at a monastery situated on the Hudson. I now understand that my love for the Valley started that first year I visited.

After some months of reflection and encouragement from friends to expand my vision for my artwork and music that had been so well received in Pa., I visited friends in Woodstock in April 2014 and knew immediately that I had come home. I moved to Woodstock from Central Pa.,  September 8, 2014.

Since that time, my art, music and personal life has been as high as Mt. Overlook. In 2019, I briefly moved to Western Mass on a “Soul Journey” only to return to the area at the beginning of 2020 - a challenging year for everyone.

Nonetheless, my experience and success of collaborating with artists, facilitating “pop-up” galleries, etc., in Central Pa., moved forward the following year in scope and depth as I saw (and heard) the need for something “other” to happen within the arts community.

I feel that it has taken the past ten years to bring the elements comprising the vision for Open Space into a surer focus: Facilitating events for unrecognized artists and under-heard musicians in the Hudson Valley.

On January 1, 2022, this blog started to take shape. On January 26, OSG&EP was launched via email to over twenty artists who then passed the information along to others. 

As of today 1/28, I have received over a dozen inquiries from artists seeking to be seen and heard.

I am very excited to network and collaborate with artists, musicians and performers to create something different, (“fringe”? “outsider”?) pop-up galleries, open air events and much more.

In addition to our artists, I welcome the opportunity for educational events for our wild life re-habilitators who are way behind the scenes caring for birds and creatures we cannot live without. 
OSG&EP is a not-for-profit, independent entity that does not require membership dues or fees of any kind. OS is not a “co-op” in any sense of the idea or structure.

I am a facilitator of events: I do the leg work, set up the venue, contact artists who may like to be involved with a pop-up or other events; displaying and selling their works, performance or poetry readings. 

Furthermore: If an artist, musician, etc., is looking for a venue for solo exhibitions and/or performance, I will assist them in finding an appropriate situation.

In Sum: Open Space Gallery & Events Project is for and about artists through facilitating opportunities to have their works seen and their music heard.

I am here to facilitate their vision so that they also can reach higher than Mt. Overlook.


Turtle Totem Pathways - is a complete listing of all my services, workshops, rituals, and music.             https://turtletotempathways.blogspot.com

I am also listed on OS blog under Visual Arts, Music & Performance, Poets & Writers and Wellness Arts.


Arts-related Endeavors:
Shapeshift In-house Studio/Gallery: Spring Mills, Pa
Art, Music, Video & CD recording/production & design; outdoor, public accessible, interactive, educational artworks (summer), pop-up art tent sales (summer). Handmade chapbooks and journals, w/letterpress type, woodcuts. Custom requests and delivery.

Lumina Signature Photography and Design: Wedding, Portrait Photography and Graphic Design

Facilitator - Boalsburg Village Artisans Gallery: Boalsburg, Pa
Gallery Artist/Co-Director, exhibition coordinator, networking, sales, distribution maintenance, and reception coordinator

Founder and Sustaining Supporter:
"The Gallery at Holy Cross" Holy Cross Monastery,  West Park ,NY

Byrdcliffe Gallery Shop at the Klinert/James Gallery and Performance Space: Woodstock, NY
Assistant to the shop manager and on-call to the gallery director. Customer service, sales,  shop maintenance and appearance, daily accounts and receipts; exhibition and reception set-up and break down.

The University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Mass
Master of Fine Arts, Printmaking/Handmade Papers, Photography
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pa.
Bachelor of Fine Arts, Drawing and Painting
The University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Mass.
School of Education\ Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies, (CAGS)
Human Development, Creative Processes
PA. Department of Education
Certified Art Teacher, K- 12, Independent Schools
Pennsylvania Counsel on the Arts: Artist-in-Residence (Grades K - 12) 
Arts-In-Education Program (Galaxy) Central Intermediate Unit 10  
   - Photo-based Mixed Media, Handmade paper and books.
Exhibitions (partial listing)
- Dorsky Museum Selective Juried Exhibition 
                       "Undercurrents: The River as Metaphor"
- Soho Photo,  NYC,  National Juried,  Photo Alternatives
- Soho Photo, NYC,  9/11 Commemorative Invitational, Photography

- Capital Arts Workshop, Washington, DC,  National Juried, 
                      Alternative Photography
- Images National Juried, Central Pa. Fest. of Arts, Photography
- Private Gallery Exhibition/Retrospective, Spring Mills, Pa., Diverse Media

- Woodstock Artists Association and Museum "Small Works" Juried Exhibition
- Byrdcliffe Guild Members Show, Woodstock, NY
- Bank of America, Solo Exhibition, Woodstock, NY.

My artwork reflects an aura of spontaneity; a progressive exploration of diverse media including traditional, alternative and digital photographic imagery, video,  music compositions, book and paper making, hand pulled prints, and re-visioning, redesigning and building discarded materials into one-of-a-kind functional fine art pieces and furniture.
My life is an integration of art, music, daily meditation and prayer, all of which strengthen my work, balances my life and provides for me a deeper sense of The Creator and my place in Creation.
We must hold uncertainty with equanimity….
                                     And allow LOVE….
                                           To consume us

        O pen Space Gallery & Events Project is an endeavor to facilitate event     venues for unrecognized artists and performers, and...